Student-Supervisor Meeting Notes

Student-Supervisor Meeting Notes
Team Member: Danya Novak
Community Partner: Teddy Bears with Heart (TBWH)

Title: Meeting #1
Meeting Summary: February 27th (10:00am - 10:30am)
Danya decided to do two Bear Drives to collect stuffed animals for her Community Partner TBWH. Danya created a to-do list with timelines on a google doc. Danya cc'd her CP Coordinator on the google doc. Danya began her process journal (a blog) and decided to update it weekly.

Title: Meeting #2
Meeting Summary: March 5th (10:30am - 11:00am)
Danya updated her to-do list and asked me to approve two emails that she had composed - one for Teddy Bears with Heart and one for Mr. Madden at ISM. Danya sent both emails and cc'd her CP Coordinator.

Title: Meeting #3
Meeting Summary: March 9th (5:45pm - 7:00pm)
Danya met with Karen from TBWH. Danya had been invited to sit in on their Board Meeting. The purpose was for Danya to learn more about her community partner TBWH. Activity was photographed on site and Danya updated her process journal at the home. Danya also updated her to-do-list on ManageBac.

Title: Meeting #4
Meeting Summary: March 16th (1:30pm - 1:45pm)
Danya asked me to approve an email that she had composed for Ms. Schafer at Portola Hotel & Spa. Danya sent the email and cc'd her CP Coordinator.

Title: Meeting #5
Meeting Summary: March 28th (6:30pm - 7:00pm)
Danya had gotten approval to place barrels and conduct her Bear Drives from both ISM and Portola Hotel & Spa. Danya was working on her flyer for her Bear Drives. She asked me to approve two emails that she had composed - one for TBWH and one for Ms. Schafer at Portola Hotel & Spa. Danya sent the emails and cc'd her CP Coordinator. Danya also updated her process journal and her "to-do" list in ManageBac.

Title: Meeting #6
Meeting Summary: April 9th (10:00am - 10:30am)
Danya was in the process of working on her flyer. Danya also called Susie with TBWH and arranged to be able to pick up barrels for her Bear Drives.

Title: Meeting #7
Meeting Summary: April 10th (9:15am - 10:00am)
Danya picked up two TBWH barrels from Susie's house. Activity was photographed on site and Danya updated her process journal at the home.

Title: Meeting #8
Meeting Summary: April 11th (7:30am - 7:50am)
Danya brought a barrel for her Bear Drive to ISM. Activity was photographed on site and Danya updated her process journal at the home.

Title: Meeting #9
Meeting Summary: April 12th (7:00am - 7:20am)
Danya brought a barrel for her Bear Drive to Portola Hotel & Spa. Activity was photographed on site and Danya updated her process journal at the home.

Title: Meeting #10
Meeting Summary: April 24th (11:30am - 4:00pm)
Danya traveled to Moose Lodge in Monterey where she had arranged to volunteer at TBWH's fundraiser. Susie with TBWH assigned Danya to sell raffle tickets during the event. Danya also volunteered in the Snack Bar and at the completion of the event she helped with break down. Activity was photographed on site and Danya updated her process journal and her "to-do" list.

Title: Meeting #11
Meeting Summary: April 26th - April 29th (7:25am - 7:55am each day)
Danya conducted week one of her Bear Drive at ISM. Each day she brought her collection barrel from the Front Office to the loading/unloading zone (white curb) of the front driveway. She held up her sign, handed out flyers and informed people of TBWH and the Bear Drive. Activity was photographed on site and Danya updated her process journal at the home.

Title: Meeting #12
Meeting Summary: April 30th (4:00pm -  4:15pm)
Danya went to Portola Hotel & Spa to check on her Bear Drive and to see if any donations had been made. Activity was photographed on site and Danya updated her process journal at the home.

Title: Meeting #13
Meeting Summary: April 30th (10:00am - 10:30am)
Danya expressed excitement about her Bear Drives at both ISM and Portola Hotel & Spa. She expressed that so far it had been a very rewarding experience. She will complete both her Bear Drives on Friday, May 6th. Danya showed me an email that she had composed to a local mayor. We also went over page 19-21 in the handbook, and she decided to have them completed by Friday, May 6th. Danya has been very good at updating her process journal and her to-do-list.

Title: Meeting #14
Meeting Summary: May 2nd - May 6th (7:25am - 7:55am each day)
Danya conducted week two of her Bear Drive at ISM. Each day she brought her collection barrel from the Front Office to the loading/unloading zone (white curb) of the front driveway. She held up her sign and informed people about TBWH and the Bear Drive. Activity was photographed on site and Danya will update her process journal at the home.

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