Saturday, 30 April 2016

Bear Drive at ISM - Rest of Week One

This Bear Drive has been a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. Just by the second day, students were already contributing to the barrel! It was amazing to see the support of the ISM community for this great cause. By the end of this week, the barrel was almost completely filled!

The flyers were passed out very quickly, and were definitely a helpful way to inform the ISM community about the Bear Drive. Some parents expressed that they would have liked to see an email go out to ISM informing about the Bear Drive so that they could have been better prepared to bring in donations. Everyone seemed very excited and happy to support and contribute. One student, Brady from second grade, donated three days in a row!

The Bear Drive will continue next week, until May 6th.

Day 2:


Day 3:


Day 4:




  1. Way to go, Danya! Amazing work! I'm so proud of you and the effort, work and passion you have put to this project! Congratulations. Ms. Matthews

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Ms. Matthews!
